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Deepest Sword

Deepest Sword

Deepest Sword is a quirky, physics-driven adventure that takes you on a deep dive into the Cavern of Longing, where the goal is as simple as it is bizarre ...


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Deepest Sword: A Game of Length and Timing

Deepest Sword is a quirky, physics-driven adventure that takes you on a deep dive into the Cavern of Longing, where the goal is as simple as it is bizarre—defeat the dragon with your sword. But there's a catch: your sword is not just a weapon; it’s a deeply unwieldy tool that comes with its own set of challenges. The question is, will you be able to wield it properly, or will it become a source of more trouble than triumph?

Gameplay Mechanics:

At the heart of Deepest Sword is the central gameplay loop: move, swing, and make sure your sword doesn't trip you up. The controls are simple but demand precision, as the sword’s length plays a critical role. You can’t jump, so all your progress through the cavern will rely on how well you manage your sword’s momentum and length.

  • Movement is controlled with the classic WASD or Arrow keys, letting you traverse the cavern.
  • Sword-swinging is done with mouse buttons (left and right), or with the < and > keys or the X and Z keys for those preferring keyboard-only controls.

As you venture deeper into the caverns, the path isn’t just about dodging obstacles. It's about your sword’s length—sometimes too long, sometimes too short. A sword that’s too long might get stuck, preventing you from making quick moves or swings. On the other hand, a sword that's too short might not be enough to pierce the dragon’s heart. Balancing your sword’s length, along with timing your swings, is key to progress.

Physics and Puzzles:

The game's charm comes from its emphasis on physics. The sword isn’t just a simple tool for attacking—it interacts with the world in sometimes unpredictable ways. The more you explore, the more you’ll learn how your sword can be both your greatest asset and your greatest liability. Length can help or hinder your progress as you attempt to get past narrow spaces, swing it over obstacles, or use it to defeat the dragon.

Fulfilling Your Desires:

The narrative of Deepest Sword revolves around fulfilling a desire, perhaps a deeply personal one. Stabbing the dragon with your sword becomes more than just an objective—it’s a metaphorical journey to face a seemingly impossible task with the tools you have at hand. Each swing brings you closer to fulfilling your goal, but will your sword be enough to defeat the dragon?

Speed Running and Full Reset:

For players who enjoy speed-running or testing their limits, Deepest Sword offers a thrilling challenge. You can attempt to finish the game as quickly as possible while battling the clock and the dragon. And if you mess up? No problem! You have the option of a full reset (Num 0), allowing you to start fresh and perfect your strategy.

A Unique Challenge:

In Deepest Sword, the true fun comes from the bizarre combination of action, physics, and the constant struggle with your sword’s length. It’s not just about defeating the dragon—it’s about mastering the sword, timing your swings, and adjusting to the physics-based challenges the game throws at you. The humor, quirky mechanics, and the satisfying feeling of finally overcoming the dragon make this an experience that’s both fun and oddly meditative.

So, venture deep into the Cavern of Longing and discover if your sword is deep enough to meet your desires... or just another laughable, awkward tool in the face of adversity.

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