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Military Capitalist: Idle Clicker

Military Capitalist: Idle Clicker

Military Capitalist: Idle Clicker is a captivating video game that challenges players to establish and expand a business empire by securing lucrative military contracts.


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Military Capitalist: Idle Clicker is a captivating video game that challenges players to establish and expand a business empire by securing lucrative military contracts. Starting from humble beginnings, players gradually grow their business operations to become the premier contractors in the game, outsmarting competitors and aiming to achieve the title of the wealthiest military capitalist worldwide. Developed by Epic Earth Games, this game offers a strategic blend of earning money, upgrading bases, and making shrewd investment decisions to attract and capitalize on various military contracts.

How to Play

  • Business Expansion: Begin by building a business focused on winning military contracts. Start small and expand gradually over time, aiming to outpace competitors and become the leading contractor.
  • Money Generation: Earn money through successful contracts and investments. Use these earnings to upgrade your base and operations, enhancing your capability to attract more lucrative contracts.
  • Strategic Investments: Make calculated and wise investment decisions to maximize profits and seize every opportunity that comes your way to further grow your business empire.


  • Contract Acquisition: Secure military contracts to generate revenue and progress in the game. Expand your operations strategically to attract higher-paying contracts.
  • Base and Operation Upgrades: Use earned money to upgrade your base and different operations under your control, increasing your chances of winning more profitable contracts.
  • Competition Strategy: Outsmart competitors by making astute investment decisions and rapidly expanding your business, aiming to surpass them and become the wealthiest military capitalist.

Functions & Features

  • Business Development: Engage in a business-building experience centered on winning military contracts and expanding operations over time.
  • Economic Strategy: Employ strategic thinking to make sound investment decisions, manage resources efficiently, and grow your business empire.
  • Competitive Gameplay: Compete against other players and AI-controlled competitors in the race to become the richest and most successful military capitalist globally.

Military Capitalist: Idle Clicker by Epic Earth Games offers an engaging gameplay experience that combines strategic business management, economic decision-making, and competition against rivals in a quest to become the most prosperous military contractor. With its focus on strategic growth and business expansion, the game provides players with an immersive and challenging journey to dominate the military contracting industry.

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