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Religion Inc. God Simulator

Religion Inc. God Simulator

Religion Inc. God Simulator is a captivating strategy game that puts players in the role of creating and managing their religion. Set in a sandbox universe, ...


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What is Religion Inc. God Simulator?

Religion Inc. God Simulator is a captivating strategy game that puts players in the role of creating and managing their religion. Set in a sandbox universe, players have the freedom to customize and shape their religion using various religious aspects and archetypes. To unite the world under one faith, players must navigate through challenges, pressures, and changes while exploring the diverse cultural values and traditions of different civilizations.

How to Play

  • Customize Your Religion: Start by creating your unique religion using a combination of religious aspects and archetypes. Experiment with different combinations to see which one resonates best with your goals.
  • Navigate Challenges: Face challenges and obstacles as you guide your religion through different civilizations and periods. Adapt to changes and pressures to ensure the survival and growth of your faith.
  • Show Miracles: Utilize your religion's unique active skills to perform miracles and showcase your divine powers to the world. Influence civilizations and attract followers with your extraordinary abilities.
  • Expand Your Influence: Strategize and develop tactics to spread your religion across the world. Conquer territories, convert unbelievers, and unite civilizations under your divine leadership.
  • Manage Civilization: Play as both a civilization and a god, guiding your followers to prosperity and unity. Explore different eras, from ancient times to the modern world, and ensure the survival and growth of your civilization.
  • Handle Resistance: Beware of resistance from unbelieving rebels who may challenge your authority and disrupt your plans. Maintain control over your followers and handle dissent with wisdom and strength.


  • Diverse Archetypes of Religions: Explore various religious archetypes, including Monotheism, Spiritualism, Pantheon, Shamanism, Paganism, and more. Each archetype comes with its unique cultural values and traditions.
  • Freedom and Creativity: Enjoy absolute freedom in creating your religion. Experiment with different combinations of religious aspects and see how they impact your followers and civilization.
  • Sandbox Gameplay: Immerse yourself in a sandbox game about religions and god simulation, where you can shape the world as you see fit. Encounter random events and navigate through different civilizations, from ancient times to the modern era.
  • Unique Active Skills: Each religion archetype comes with its own set of active skills and abilities. Showcase miracles to the world and influence entire civilizations with your divine powers.
    Offline Strategy Gameplay: Play the game offline, without the need for an internet connection. Dive into the immersive world of religion creation and management anytime, anywhere.

 In Religion Inc. God Simulator, the fate of civilizations and the unity of humanity are in your hands. Can you create a religion that withstands the test of time and unites the world under one faith? Play now and find out!

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